Arts management is a field of research with many singularities that are still overlooked. Aesthetic and consumption are management dynamics embodying arts management practice but are yet little regarded in research. In this article, we examine how aesthetic consumption plays a significant role in managing art-driven organizations. In order to access the singularities of arts-driven organizations which include the world of aesthetics and consumption dynamics, autoethnography reveals itself to be a powerful methodology. Based on an autoethnographic approach, the lead researcher embraced management experiences from multiple art-driven organizations, applying techniques of participant observation and interviews. The narrative analysis of these experiences generated four managerial dynamics associated with aesthetic consumption: (a) sensible consumption as a source for creating the experience of the beauty and excellence; (b) conventional consumed symbols to engage audiences with unexpected artistic experiences; (c) sensory consumption as a source for generating a vibrant, delightful and personal engagement; and (d) pleasure as a key to involving audiences and make them feel part of the environment. The analysis expanded the current logic of thinking in aesthetic consumption, focused only on managing products, thus highlighting aesthetic consumption as a powerful path to manage art-driven organizations for their sustainability. Implications for further research are suggested and discussed.