The Role of Art and the Artist
Organizational Aesthetics Cover Issue Vol. 2(1)

How to Cite

ScheinE. (2013). The Role of Art and the Artist. Organizational Aesthetics, 2(1), 1-4. Retrieved from


Why is art relevant to other elements of society like business or government? Why should managers learn anything about art and the role of the artist? I have thought about this for years and have recently formulated some thoughts. I preface this short essay by noting that I have not done "research" in this area. Rather, I come at this from a personal point of view, both as a lifetime sketcher and as a clinician interested in seeing how artistic activity has affected my life and the lives of others with whom I have worked. The several "functions" of art and artists that I will describe below overlap and interact. I separate them to highlight the variety of functions that can be identified, once we reflect on this topic.